Life is hard, but it doesn't have to hurt.
Help us give hope and healing.

One in three girls, and one in six boys, will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday. Nothing could be more terrifying than having to tell someone about what happened to them.
Since 2000, Silverleaf has strived to reduce the level of trauma experienced by victims of abuse. This year Silverleaf will see approximately 700 clients, 400 of which will be children. Our expert staff provide comprehensive, cutting-edge services to victims, no matter where they may be in their healing. While our services are free of charge, to keep them that way we need your help.
What Can You Do To Help?
There is no more direct way to assist Silverleaf than by making a financial contribution. This can be easily done by downloading and completing the donation form (Silverleaf Donations Form- Click Here to Download) and returning it with your tax deductible contribution to:
Silverleaf Services
751 South Provident Way
Elizabethtown, KY 42701
Silverleaf also accepts donations online. To make a donation today, click the button below.
You may choose to honor or memorialize a friend or loved one by donating to Silverleaf. Your contribution enables the Center to provide a comprehensive response to sexual abuse, assault, and violence while recognizing and celebrating the life or accomplishments of others.
Your request for a Memorial or Tribute Gift should include: 1) Your full name, address and phone number 2) An indication as to whether the gift is in “Memory of” or in “Honor of” 3) The name of the person being memorialized or honored 4)The name and address of the person(s) to whom the acknowledgement should be sent. An acknowledgement of your gift will be sent to the person being honored or the family of the person being remembered.
You can also help us carry out our mission by providing non-monetary donations. Currently, Silverleaf’s Wish List includes: